Tuesday, December 26, 2006

2006 年澳洲农民回国腐败纪实 (9)


上回书说到看到几位同学的“豪宅”后,引用上面一段古文加以印证。 Amazing! 古人与今人都做的是同样的好梦。




九点钟后,王府井的商场纷纷打烊,华灯下的东华门小吃一条街变得热闹起来。在 sub zero temperature 的北京夜晚,立于寒风之中,一碗卤煮火烧下肚后,身上立时热血沸腾,豪气冲天。北京人的优越感和骄傲 come back again. 在北京头两天的郁闷心情象满满的一碗卤煮火烧被一扫而光。



暮霭中的"鸟巢"用一个字来形容的话 - awesome! 下决心 2008 奥运会要出现在北京。

David 和我毕业后一同都被分配到五局延庆“官帽山”。现在他已是一家电子政务杂志社的主编。命运对人的造化真是神奇,深深感到只有爱拼的人才会赢。

MBA 毕业的 David 像我队很多同学已成功转型,走上了管理与决策的角色。现在,陈武,李国通,黄天寿都已是技术领导了。和他们交谈之后,领会到管理一个企业的重要性,复杂性,比 providing IT Solutions 是有过之而无不及。

Programmer -> System Architect -> Project Manager -> CIO

这是我设计的职业道路。我现在已经意识到在每一个不同的职业阶段,看如何运营企业的视角和高度就不同了。 David 告诉我如果能够更上一层楼,从全盘出发,分析,细化企业的核心流程,才能把工商管理简单,最优化,才有可能发挥 ERP or CRM 系统的效能。核心流程错,再好的技术解决方案都会打折扣。

Success in business 需要更多复合型人才。技术,管理,经济,金融,市场,营销的知识,最好还要有国外的经验。 地球现在是平的 (The world is flat)。今天的竞争已是国际化的竞争。

听了 David 高屋建瓴的 presentation,我大呼醍醐灌顶,今日开窍。

为学以至用, David and I 来到黄记煌。其招牌菜三汁焖锅源于清末御膳名肴“香辣汁鱼”,用特制三汁“酱汁”,“海鲜汁”,“番茄汁”焖制各种美味食品。

又是新的一天,参观了微软亚洲研究院。 Ting, my former colleague in Sybase, told me no other institutes can beat Microsoft in Research and Development, even Google and IBM don't have such determined financial support for the independent research.

然后我检查了 Microsoft Research & Development China, 看中国公司是否也与美国总部接轨,布置了“腐败”的免费食品,饮料,健身器材,最新的 Xbox 360 游戏机。欣慰地见到 Bill Gates 这次没有忽悠 Chinese 后,即发表讲话指出,要真正做到权为民所用,情为民所系,利为民所谋。 Ting 不断地点头称是。

Ting and I 来到湖南菜闻名的“湘临天下”。

虽然 Ting and I 长期在国外生活,已习惯在用餐前祷告"Jesus, thank you for loving us and providing food". 但为体现与时同进的精神和建设有中国特色的社会主义,我们以背诵新三字经 - “八荣八耻”为替代。

以热爱祖国为荣 以危害祖国为耻
以服务人民为荣 以背离人民为耻
以崇尚科学为荣 以愚昧无知为耻
以辛勤劳动为荣 以好逸恶劳为耻
以团结互助为荣 以损人利己为耻
以诚实守信为荣 以见利忘义为耻
以遵纪守法为荣 以违法乱纪为耻
以艰苦奋斗为荣 以骄奢淫逸为耻




回墨尔本时经上海转机。徜徉在巨大的浦东机场,凝视着窗外的悬磁浮列车,这个城市的新 icon 和飞速发展的东方明珠, 我突然意识到北京上海不一样的气质和美,也找到了无数人问我你愿意是生活工作在北京还是上海的答案。

北京她端庄矜静,雍容典雅,是 dreaming 的老婆;上海她明眸灵秀,风情万种,更适合于做情人。




Saturday, December 23, 2006

2006 年澳洲农民回国腐败纪实 (8)

作为北京人,自然要把回到的故里与刚刚离开的上海做一番比较,从首都机场到市中心的一段旅程是一个最好的佐证。Honestly to say, I'm a bit disppointed.

空气质量感觉没有任何的改进,好像北京依然是申奥成功后的那个大工地。天空灰蒙蒙,雾蒙蒙的,犹如一层厚厚的用了多年的旧地毯,给人一种不愉快的压抑感 - depression 哪! 离奥运不到两年,绿色奥运的口号仍旋绕于耳,我真希望这只是杞人忧天。“相信组织,相信群众”,I keep encouraging myself...

机场停车场里没看到比上海更多的好车,I guess 老百姓和政府是否正在开展廉洁整风运动。出租车是一水儿的韩国 Hyundai, 或更老的富康,上海的出租是德国的 Volkswagen Passat,作为中央政府的所在地,怎么也应该是“别摸我”(BMW)呀!北京的的哥儿还是那么能侃 - talking rubbish, 见了我的大包裹,便问我是不是装着一箱子金子。


歇了一天后首站便选择了中关村,我有意从新国家图书馆走到北大。一路上 Footpath 的地砖已经破破烂烂,坑坑洼洼的,这地砖才铺了几年啊?!而且没有看到有人维护的迹象。真希望检讨一下是否有腐败和贪污在其中。

过了海淀黄庄,就看到了有“中国特色”,或“北京特色”的景象。地砖贴满了“办证,刻章”了小广告。在国外,graffiti are everywhere。青年人用以展示他们的天才或者说发泄对社会的不满。当代的中国人不愧是“商”朝人的后代,而且满脑子的现代经营理念。小广告还贴到了过街天桥的铁栏上,几位清洁工人在费力刮着。在北大的门口,一群“农民企业家”形象的人 approach me, 热情地询问我要不要办证,刻章,发票,盗版碟和“毛片”。我对自己的形象彻底绝望了,what I have done? 为什么总是被人当成是“坏蛋”呢?!更令人愤愤不平的是,首善之都,中国的最高学府,二十多年的改革开放,猴子都可以进化成教授了,可他们还在这儿重复着昨天的故事。

从北大做 U-Turn 去了海龙和 e 世界两个电子市场。没想到一进门十几个导购便欢快跳跃着奔我直扑而来。拽揶着我的衣服往他们的 shop 里拉。Holy cow! 我不明白,是这世界变化快,还是这些人被生活所迫都变疯了?我可是一点儿没有“I believe I am God”的感觉,倒觉得自己好像是一个经常光顾“怡春园”的 customer. 想白白 Window Shopping 是没戏了,我只能狼狈不堪地逃了出来。真要回家自己照照镜子了。

不择路撞到了中关村购物中心,宽阔的街道,现代的建筑,高尚的时装店,让回到北京后的我第一次产生了美好的感觉。I lost myself - 哪里来的世外桃源啊!

饶亮所在的公司正对民族大学。我以前也在离此不远的公司工作过。此风水福地因左怀拥有众多漂亮 MM 的北京舞蹈学院,右抱汇集全部精英的解放军艺术学院,令许多哥哥们到此“驻足”不前 - 挪不动自己腿了。

饶亮已是幸福的有妻儿的人了,是个正宗 family guy,早已没了闲情雅志陪我一起在马路边欣赏“天使”们了。他问我除了 MM 还有什么怀念的,我说新疆村的手抓羊肉。饶亮说新疆村已经没了,但能带我到另一个腐败的好地方。东四六条深巷中的一家新疆饭馆 - “弯弯月亮”。



Wednesday, December 20, 2006

2006 年澳洲农民回国腐败纪实 (7)





上次与红旗飘飘见面是在 Melbourne。她一个人到澳洲自助逍遥游。胆子可真大。


然后到百度娱乐品 Johnny Walker Black Label。不理解为什么有人混着绿茶而非加冰。这也真叫有中国特色的了。喝到最后吐血。再带着醉意飙车回到住所,完成了在上海最后的疯狂。

Head to Beijing tomorrow!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

2006 年澳洲农民回国腐败纪实 (6)


自 1992 年56所实习期间游览过杭州新旧十景后,十四年后重游故地。

1992年前第一次游览西湖旧十景,新十景时雷峰塔还淹没于一堆荒黄垒土之中。而且那时,重建雷峰塔的喧嚣之声还不绝於耳。2001年,雷峰塔地宫的开启,千年历史之迷团揭开,轰动海内外华人世界。白娘子与许仙的浪漫传说,演绎着中国版 Titanic 的传奇。这一切无不吸引慕名雷峰塔而来,登高一望,饱览全面改革开放后的新杭州。


第二天,又去看了六和塔和钱塘江。钱塘江两岸,已不是一望无际的农田,取而代之的是高耸现代化的居民楼,宽阔的滨江路,完美设计的绿区,和浩浩殇殇的江水,令人心随荡漾的海风,那一刻,我真有了置身“天堂”的 feeling。And this is a absolutely beautiful feeling...


2006 年澳洲农民回国腐败纪实 (5)

崇安寺是无锡老城区的核心。经数年的修拓,内部的步行街已与周围的 shopping mall 合融为一。早已不是原来十四年前,孤影老衲,靠卖门票来维系的“国家重点文物保护单位”了。


晚上送周向阳回上海后,又和周丹平继续腐败-百度娱乐。震耳的 Disco 中,年青的异类们品着加冰的 Johnny Walker Black Label (不知真懂还是假懂)和掺了雪碧的长城干红(stooges!); 两位正品则玩掷骰子,罚喝 B-52 鸡尾酒,一种可以被点燃的“混合炸药”.

第二天上午离开周丹平的家,在阅读咖啡馆,一边吃早点,一边上网继续写腐败经历。下午乘车到杭州,见到了楚蓓蓓,陈武和大名鼎鼎却初次见面的陈楚琪。非常荣幸,作为我队第一位同学,住到了楚蓓蓓和陈武艺术与高科技完美结合的新家。Great great great great location!!!

晚上,楚蓓蓓和陈武做东-杭州家乡菜。一直折腾到12点钟,已经支持不住想睡觉了,陈武又热情洋溢地抱来一罗儿“汽车之友”杂志(中文版呢,已经读不懂其中的术语了),要求我抓紧时间,恶补功课,to kill 几年来对中国腾飞的汽车业的无知与偏见。早上起来后还有考试?!

Thank you very much! Hehe...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

2006 年澳洲农民回国腐败纪实 (4)

又回到曾经生活战斗过的地方-江南计算所,青山秀水依旧,但人已非昔。农家 family restaurant 的“阿黄”似乎还认得我,我一入门便吠个不停。还好,这次它在笼里,我在笼外。


下午游览鼋头渚。晚上打 badminton. 自然少不了吃饭,喝酒和腐败...

不识腐败真面木,只缘不由己,身在此中。想想中国那么多下岗,那么多毕业找不到理想工作的,还有那么多有着美好理想,但面临着残酷现实的人,有如刚毕业时的你我。当今的腐败就是创造工作,就是造福社会,就是为和谐社会做贡献。所以,花党的钱时不要脸红,不要手紧,政府的 money 就是人民的币。就此打住...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

2006 年澳洲农民回国腐败纪实 (3)


钱华 tells me 同里被中国国家地理评为十大中国小镇之首,远远高于闻名海外的周庄。同里正好在去吴江的路上。可惜天公不做美,如毛的细雨持续下个不停。

同里 - 古朴秀雅的典型江南水乡,以“小桥,流水,人家”的水乡特色,人文景观的悠久历史而蚩声海内外。

退思园建于清光绪十一年至十三年(公元 1885 一 1887 年),园主任兰生,因人弹劾被革职,取名“退思”以期补过。退思园的花园以水为中心,建筑、假山沿水边布置,建筑多贴水而筑,突出了水面的汪洋之势,故有“贴水园”的美称。退思园水面处理独到之处就是水与建筑的紧密、贴进,整个园子象浮在水上,与其他园林相比,平添一分动感。

Tongli is a typical waterside down in south of Yangtze River, primitive simple and beautiful. It becomes famous at home and aboard for both its characters of waterside land, like foot bridge, crossing waterway and dwelling house, and long history of human landscape. Tongli enjoys the title of Oriental Venice, Exhibition Hall of Building of Ming and Qing Dynasties and Natural Photostudio. The scenic spots that have been opened to public amount to nearly 20 places, such as Garden of Seclusion and Meditations, Chongben Hall, Jiayin Hall, Genegle Hall, Historic Cultural Display Hall, Luoxingzhou Island, Chen Qubing's Former Residence, Pearl Pagoda, Songshiwu Garden, Chinese Sexual Culture Museum, Gufeng Garden, Xiaodian Lake Forest Park, etc. Both Tong Li and Garden of Seculision and Meditations bear several laurels: One of National Top Thirteen Scenic Spots in Taihu Scenic Area, National AAAA Grade Scenic Area, State Public Healthy Town, Famous Historic and Cultural Town in China, National Key Cultural Relic Protection Unit and World Culture Heritage.

Garden of Seclution and Mediations, built in the 11th to 13th year of Guangxu reign in Qing Dynasty, was a private garden belong to Ren Lansheng, an official in charge of defense over the regions of Feng, Ying, Liu, Liu and Si. Occupying a land of 9 mu and 8 fen, the building broke through the convention in its structure, i.e. changing the lengthwise arrangement into transverse one. From west to east, there are residence, courtyard and garden, where the pavilions, terraces and open halls are distributed.

参观同里后钱华 drives his car lifting me 直奔无锡。从来没见到如此之好的 infrastructure - 公路。中国的 hardware 真是突飞猛进,现在只差软件 - software。For example, 吴江到无锡 70 km 四十分钟的 driving, 却花了两个多小时。虽有车载 GPS, 钱华一路上也是不断超速 (speeding), 闯红灯, 不看路标行使, 但马路上像 Ricky Qian 这样的艺高胆大的司机实在是太多了,hehe...

晚上,江苏省党政军主要负责人周丹平同志接待并宴请了Ricky and I. 晚上的娱乐活动在无锡著名的 XXXX.真让人 eyes wide open, 这不是无锡版的“天上人间”吗?刚说完这话便被暴扁,被骂“土得掉渣”!(以下含有腐败内容, 自删四千字...)

12 点过后又一并去吃烧烤,icy beer, 孜然飘香的鱼肉,仿佛又回到了军校毕业实习的那学期,old time, good time... 昔日小媳妇已熬成今天黄脸婆,life is getting better and better every day.

Monday, December 11, 2006

2006 年澳洲农民回国腐败纪实 (2)


王瑛玫,欧阳燕,周晓 show up.


中午吃的只能用 fantastic! 来形容。

谈完生意,吃完饭,来个 pose。


爱国主义再教育后,周晓和我开始了另一项非常有意义的工作。我们来到了城隍庙 - 吃!

城隍庙的小吃一个字形容 - “绝”!她融会了全国各地小吃于一处。

周晓和我又到了徐家汇,美罗电脑城。3D Media TV 能播放立体动画,大吃一惊。分析了半天,没有明白其工作原理。

更令我惊讶的是徐家汇竟有这么多的漂亮 MM。打扮时尚已超上日系,赶上韩流。与欧美近在 hitting range。服装,提包和用的香水尽显 Armani, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Prada, Gucci, Chanel 风范。

乘上海地铁一号线到莘庄,回到钱华家。一边想着今天见到的所有漂亮 MM,一边回味着几顿美食,然后写下了今天的腐败经历。

明天要到吴江和无锡,more 腐败纪实 coming up。Please stay tuned...

Saturday, December 09, 2006

2006 年澳洲农民回国腐败纪实 (I)

Night before the departing, my life is just miserable. Have to get everything settled down, cleaning up at home, head to bed around 2 o'clock, and have to get up at 4 am to catch up 8:40 am's plane.

Fortunately I don't oversleep, actually it's hard fall into sleep all night.
Get up right on time after I set up alarm clock both on my mobile and clock radio in case. It's summer time in Melbourne, still very dark outside. Lucky the temperature in the early morning is about 13 degree. My destination Shanghai in China is about minus 1 degree right now so I put on all the Winter's clothing on.

Catch first shift tram No.1 to Melbourne city, waiting in the transfer station for 20 minutes and switch to another tram No.96 to the Southern Cross station. Skybus shuttle bus services 30 minutes per shift. It only takes 20 minutes to Melbourne Airport, arrived around 6 am, 天边已泛鱼肚白.

Aimless roaming in the not full airport hall, browsing perfume and wine list on the shelves under the high security guarded shopping assistants. Finally, check in. When the plane takes off to the sky, it's already near 9:30, almost one hour behind the schedule. China Eastern Airline's reputation damned again, poor services and always not on time.

After two hours flying, plane lands in the Sydney Airport. And I find out this plane shared route code with other four Qantas and other China Eastern Airlines eventually. So this plane carry people from Shanghai to Sydney, who transmit in Melbourne, people from Melbourne to Sydney to other routes, and people like me from Melbourne to Sydney to Shanghai.

Although without checking out luggage in Sydney Airport, situation are getting worse and into chaos. Boarding gate changed temporarily, so a lot people don't realise until the last minute. When I pass check point, and find my seat has already been taken by another passenger, I can't believe my ears when I am told my ticket is NOT valid. So have to wait for another 15 minutes to allocate seat.

Oh my god, I don't know when my poor planned trip will end, I already start beginning curse myself. However, after I find my seat at the back half the plane, I just can't wipe the smile from my face. I remember I booked economy class. My seat is one step away the Emergency Exit door, although I have no plan to be first one jump off the plane, the legs room for this row seats are just blessed. I can stench my body like I'm sleeping on the sky bed. I don't think you can be better off even if you are in business class lounge.


I have to again mention China Eastern Airline service, food are not delicious, I suspect the airline hired some "cheap" chefs who have no idea how to cook Chinese food. It is "insulting" to "decent" people who appreciate great food in life. And there are something worse, 3 infants, around one year old with their parents, crying on the other side of aisle. Their parents try best to quite them. But I reckon I'll be the person hardly to put into sleeping than the kids. Also teenagers on their school holidays to China, the first time trip to China I reckon, sit in the next row. They are playing their Nitendo's consoles, noising with dirty words. Three of them are ABC (Australia Born Chinese), or bananas you call them. I say to myself, "Oh my God, what I have done deserve this?"

But I have to say only thing I'm pleased this trip is that impressed with a patient young stewardess. A typical 上海 looking girl, with beautiful, fetching smile. She is very gentle and kind to the kids, chatting nicely with kids' parents. When the plane takes off and lands down. She is sitting on her seat opposite to me... What a lucky bastard I'm. Unforgetably, I just too shy to ask taking a photo with her :-) It seems I have no choice but to marry a Chinese girl.

When I walk out the custom from Pu Dong International Airport, I know what's the meaning to an International Airport. Although it's already 8 pm, very dark outside, I still can fell how huge and awesome Pu Dong Airport is. Comparing to Pu Dong, Sydney Airport is like a small kid.

Ricky (Qian) Hua is waiting for me, he leads me to the parking lot. I'm shocked seeing so many Volkswagen Passat, Golf, Polo and Audi A4, A6 parking there. Am I in Germany I ask. Average Chinese salary are about one sixth to Aussie, but they drive the "luxury" cars most Aussies can't afford. And these German desigend, made in China cars are too common here. I know during the last five years, Car Industry in China are flying. But it's only four years since my last time here, I remember at that time people still drive VW Santana 2000, which are kind of cars have extinct several years ago in Germany, 奥拓, maybe a few Buicks. However, looks like International Auto Exhibition on air on Shanghai streets now.

So 澳洲农民指出,“不要生在福中不知福”。要知道,挣的多,交税交的更多的澳洲人民至今还生活在水深火热之中。

More 令人郁闷的是, because so many International Car giant set up manufacturers here, they can reduce the cost of building cars drastically. After I know that Volkswagen and Audi cars are about two third or half price to the same model cars in Australia, I'm thinking to buy a car and row back to Australian coast.

迎宾大道 from Pu Dong Airport to the City just awesome. It's high standard, green covered Boulevard. Ricky turns on his home-made GPS system, a integrated mini-PC running Windows XP, with GPS navigator system, telling where you are, where you should go, with error margin only 5 meters. Meanwhile, Chinese Pop Songs played from this mini-PC. I can also play DVD if I don't mind causing traffic stockpile.

Mind you, you can't find braver drivers wherelse but in China. Chinese drivers are naturally born against all kind rules, if they won't be caught by the polices. Maybe they live enough with the communist party, or maybe there are too many people. I bet that Schumi (Michael Schumacher) will be stunned if he see the way Chinese Drivers drive, crossing the traffic line, drive in the opposite way, speeding through road cross...

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