Sunday, October 19, 2008

Comments on American, and Japan, and China

But I think I know the problem. Because America is a new country, the people who live there have no sense of history. And if you have no concept of “the past”, it is extremely difficult to grapple with the idea of “the future”.

If you think a bar established in 1956 is “old” then you will not understand the idea of next week. So why bother building for it?

We see this short-termism in everything from the average American house, which falls over whenever the wind gets up, to the way chief executives are treated. In Japan, you are given 25 years before you are judged on whether you’ve turned the company around. In America, bosses are given two months. And if there’s been no financial about-turn, they are fired.

AIG and Lehman Brothers got caught out because they were being run by people who live only in the here and now. They couldn’t see that it would all come crashing down in the future because there’s no such thing.

-- Jeremy Clarkson

So that's British people asked why half of the population of world leader are idiots after they re-elected George W. Bush to his second term of the President of the United States.

The closest world leader's underdog - Japan is a country full of perverts.

China - the biggest population country in the world is a 神仙经常出没的地方...

Saturday, October 18, 2008


> 在 MSN 上听取了楚蓓蓓同学传达的聚会通报,久已枯萎麻木的心灵又一次感受到党和人民春风秋雨的滋润,灿烂阳光的照耀。
> 伟大改革的胜利成果(等侍有人来“踩斋”),国内莺歌燕舞的靡靡生活(盼着宾客去“饷狩”),诱惑着一颗颗孤聊无助,但又蠢蠢“臊”动的海外之心。
> 希望 2008 奥运成功,希望今年 9.11 美国不再发生意外,希望十一时股市翻番,希望国庆间能订到机票。
> 做好回去大病一场的准备,做好回去再次被灌翻的储备。

这是我在 2008.03.13 在 5460 上的留言。

奥运成功了, 全球华人为之振奋。9.11 美国到没发生发生意外,但次债引发的全球金融危机,十个 9.11 加起来还不如。搞得十一全球股市被拦腰斩还不够,还要沿脚面砍下去不成?

2008 真是不寻常。大事如美国被从牛B神坛打下去,中国人开始笑傲江湖。小事如澳洲农民的房子盖得没影,MM 泡得没谱,工作忙得转瞎,聚会没得成行。



  • 1992年初邓小平在南方谈话中指出:“两手都要抓,两手都要硬” 。


  • 中共中央总书记胡锦涛要求全党同志一定要牢记毛泽东同志倡导的“两个务必”-“务必继续保持谦虚、谨慎、不骄、不躁的作风,务必继续保持艰苦奋斗的作风。”


  • 实施西部大开发,是关系国家经济社会发展大局,关系民族团结和边疆稳定的重大战略部署。

    释解:在墨尔本西部 Sanctuary Lakes 投资买房。

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Job Hurting or Job Hunting?