Tuesday, December 12, 2006

2006 年澳洲农民回国腐败纪实 (3)


钱华 tells me 同里被中国国家地理评为十大中国小镇之首,远远高于闻名海外的周庄。同里正好在去吴江的路上。可惜天公不做美,如毛的细雨持续下个不停。

同里 - 古朴秀雅的典型江南水乡,以“小桥,流水,人家”的水乡特色,人文景观的悠久历史而蚩声海内外。

退思园建于清光绪十一年至十三年(公元 1885 一 1887 年),园主任兰生,因人弹劾被革职,取名“退思”以期补过。退思园的花园以水为中心,建筑、假山沿水边布置,建筑多贴水而筑,突出了水面的汪洋之势,故有“贴水园”的美称。退思园水面处理独到之处就是水与建筑的紧密、贴进,整个园子象浮在水上,与其他园林相比,平添一分动感。

Tongli is a typical waterside down in south of Yangtze River, primitive simple and beautiful. It becomes famous at home and aboard for both its characters of waterside land, like foot bridge, crossing waterway and dwelling house, and long history of human landscape. Tongli enjoys the title of Oriental Venice, Exhibition Hall of Building of Ming and Qing Dynasties and Natural Photostudio. The scenic spots that have been opened to public amount to nearly 20 places, such as Garden of Seclusion and Meditations, Chongben Hall, Jiayin Hall, Genegle Hall, Historic Cultural Display Hall, Luoxingzhou Island, Chen Qubing's Former Residence, Pearl Pagoda, Songshiwu Garden, Chinese Sexual Culture Museum, Gufeng Garden, Xiaodian Lake Forest Park, etc. Both Tong Li and Garden of Seculision and Meditations bear several laurels: One of National Top Thirteen Scenic Spots in Taihu Scenic Area, National AAAA Grade Scenic Area, State Public Healthy Town, Famous Historic and Cultural Town in China, National Key Cultural Relic Protection Unit and World Culture Heritage.

Garden of Seclution and Mediations, built in the 11th to 13th year of Guangxu reign in Qing Dynasty, was a private garden belong to Ren Lansheng, an official in charge of defense over the regions of Feng, Ying, Liu, Liu and Si. Occupying a land of 9 mu and 8 fen, the building broke through the convention in its structure, i.e. changing the lengthwise arrangement into transverse one. From west to east, there are residence, courtyard and garden, where the pavilions, terraces and open halls are distributed.

参观同里后钱华 drives his car lifting me 直奔无锡。从来没见到如此之好的 infrastructure - 公路。中国的 hardware 真是突飞猛进,现在只差软件 - software。For example, 吴江到无锡 70 km 四十分钟的 driving, 却花了两个多小时。虽有车载 GPS, 钱华一路上也是不断超速 (speeding), 闯红灯, 不看路标行使, 但马路上像 Ricky Qian 这样的艺高胆大的司机实在是太多了,hehe...

晚上,江苏省党政军主要负责人周丹平同志接待并宴请了Ricky and I. 晚上的娱乐活动在无锡著名的 XXXX.真让人 eyes wide open, 这不是无锡版的“天上人间”吗?刚说完这话便被暴扁,被骂“土得掉渣”!(以下含有腐败内容, 自删四千字...)

12 点过后又一并去吃烧烤,icy beer, 孜然飘香的鱼肉,仿佛又回到了军校毕业实习的那学期,old time, good time... 昔日小媳妇已熬成今天黄脸婆,life is getting better and better every day.


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