Saturday, May 24, 2008

勇敢善良的中国心 - tolerance , diginity, courage and love

  • 几天前在5460上转发自我博客的“有信仰的人是坚强的,有爱心的社会是和谐的”文章,号动在澳洲的中国朋友踊跃为 Earthquake Relief 捐款,但不知何故被“删你没商量”了。

  • 闲着没事经常胡思乱想在中国现在物欲横流,道德水准一路下跌的今天,何时还能出现像老毛,老邓这样的英雄。常自言自语道:“世上无英雄遂让陈希冠这个竖子成名”。但地震让我明白了“英雄不常有,只是未到时”。

  • 这次地震中新闻报道中的高开放,高透明度体现了一个真正大国应有的自信。历史上许多转折点往往伴随着重大事作的发生。有感这次汶川地震可能成为中国开始走向有中国特色的民主与自由的始发时刻。

  • 看到吾辈同学自愿领养地震遗孤,深深感动。管子曰:“仓廪实而知礼仪,衣食足而知荣辱”。富强的中国才能做到“人人为我,我为人人”。

  • 地震联系你我,患难之中见真情。贡献无所谓大小。感谢此时此刻的你为中国呐喊加油。

Rev. Cleophus: "DO YOU SEE THE LIGHT?!!"

Elwood: "What light?!"

Rev. Cleophus: "DO YOU SEEEE THE LIGHT?!"


-- from cult movie The Blues Brothers

"YES, I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT!" 我看到了中国的未来与希望...

Sunday, May 18, 2008


May 13, 2008 is a normal day to me. I finished work till 2:30am. Before I fell into sleep, I had a quick check of the sports news on Sina. Suddenly, the news about biggest earthquake in Chinese recent history (中国地震局将汶川地震震级从7.8级修订为8.0级) in WenChuan, an unknown country town SiChuan Province and more than two thousands people already died came across me. I was totally in shock. Immediately, I made a call to my home in Beijing. Luckily there is no network congestion at all. My father answered the phone. Everything OK there. When I finished the call, it's already 3:30am.

The morning in office is totally uneasy, full of anxious and worries. The Sina website was overloaded. I couldn't open any other pages except the front one. I tried several times after work to call home again. This time all failed to reach.

Next few days after earthquake erupted, I followed all the news I could get. A lot of old time memories came back to me. Year 1976, 唐山大地震后的第一天,我父母抱着我和4岁的弟弟,穿着雨衣,坐在两个板凳上,与一群无助的人们,在雨中待了一天一夜的情形始终历历在目。

When I saw the photo several kids crumpled together under the debris after rescue workers found their bodies, I couldn't hold my tears. Why human beings are so vulnerable (感觉人的生命是如此脆弱)? Why 佛祖 (Buddha) 生命只在呼吸之间? I can only tell me this is life.

However, almost on the same day, when I saw another photo, a student holds a drip and helps his schoolmate trapped in the rubble of a high school in Beichuan, waving people for help, suddenly, I felt human beings are also so strong IF YOU BELIEVE hope still alive (感觉人的生命又是如此的顽强). Because human beings are also live in a cooperated community (团结协作的群体).

天道无情人却有情。Soon after the catastrophe happened in China, Earthquake relief donation has been quickly set up by Chinese Consulate in Melbourne. 做为炎黄子孙的一员,I urge all the people if you still have 中国人的血液在流淌, please show your love, sympathy, generosity and support to all the WenChuan Earthquake victims and their family, no matter you have already realised your dreams oversea, no matter you still in fighting with any other kind difficulties here. One thousand dollars are never more. One dollar is never less (一千元不算多,一元钱不算少). This is the time. This is the time that we can show to the world - 中国人不仅可以成功地举办奥运,而且中华民族是一个伟大坚强的民族,中国人是永远不会被任何艰难险阻打垮的。